Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Finding Comfort

I had to take my baby boy today for his vaccines. Its his post 6 months ones...since his first vaccine the nurses are always surprised how quickly he calms down. All I have to do is pick him up, give him a good cuddle and then try and point something interesting to take his mind off the pain.
His cry in pain is very different from his other cries... its a very deep wail, the sound comes only in pauses but he breathes deeply and I could feel the hurt. Today he had one injection and in a matter of 10 seconds maybe 20 at the most I could calm him down. In fact he was giving me little laughs.
It amazes me how he takes comfort in me holding him and saying its okay. How quickly he responds to me saying "Look its a giraffe! and tickling his ears with the giraffes soft tail". :)
This evening when we were out on a walk, I bumped the stroller on the sidewalk as I made a turn and his little chin got hurt. I could even see a bit of blood (Its the first time I saw blood) I panicked and picked him up and even the wail he was just starting stopped mid way. "I am in mommy's arms, I am okay..." was that what he was thinking?
Made me think of how easy it is to find comfort in the hands of the almighty if we choose to. He holds us in his arms, and when we take our broken hearts, lives, hopes or dreams to him He gives us an eternal perspective on things that fills us with peace beyond understanding and joy that is complete. Yet I choose to wail and rant and hold on to my grief instead of looking to him for comfort.
Dear Mister God, this is @ina...Help me to look to you for comfort and stay calm in your presence through life's turmoils. May our little one always know you are near to comfort and direct him in all life's ups and downs.

Monday, June 16, 2014

A little image of God and Us

Its interesting now as we observe our little one and get to know his personality. With time we see more of the person he is or will become.
For one, he is easy going, just like dad! Nothing is a big deal. He fusses only when he is uncomfortable and nothing really fazes him. Even when he was tiny, he just seemed easy. If he cries I know for sure he needs something... nowadays, its not just am hungry, or wet its sometimes I need your attention etc.
He laughs a lot and is such a happy baby. He always was a happy baby but I see it more now. Always smiles when you look at him and try to make him laugh. If am really funny he laughs and squeals non stop! :)
Another interesting things about him is, he is so so friendly! He loves any other person who is smaller or taller than him. He is not as friendly with strange adults but with children he just loves them. His face lights up, he starts making excited little words, wants me to carry him or let him walk to them and he would like to make friends with kids in Walmart, Costco ... anywhere! :) We were visiting with friends with little ones and it was the first time, mom and dad need not be close.
He is our little foodie - snacks often like mum, has a sweet tooth like grandma and wants tasty food like dad.
He loves books, specially his Bible - like Grandad sure looks like he could enjoy reading very much. Anywhere he sees his Bible he would dive for it. Its his favourite book because Grandma read to him from it everyday.
Well, his cars and the spinning of the wheels are so interesting these days. He can spend a lot of time with a car just moving its wheels round and round with his little fingers. Gets all absorbed into what he is doing and looks quite serious.... a lot like his uncle.
Crashing cars made him laugh like nothing else... the other day just an empty box tossed around was so funny...zooom, brooom, kaboom...are all favourite sounds... he is such a little boy already!
God made him so unique and beautiful in His image for His glory. :)
Dear Mister God, this is @ina... Thank You for a beautiful baby made in your image. May we help mould him in your ways that all his days he will bring You Glory.

Thursday, June 12, 2014


Motherhood can get quickly complicated sometimes... lately I have been worrying too much. The books say I need to read, talk, teach, include learning and fun activities, help him develop all these various skills - fine motor, gross motor, sensory, logic, reasoning etc. etc. Added to that are the worries if he is getting enough nutritious food, long enough rest etc etc.
I have had to come to terms with the fact that I probably will never feel like I have done enough...I will always wish I could do more, be around more, have more time etc etc but that's okay. It keeps me striving to be all that God intended me to be for him.
However, I get so caught up at doing things with him that i sometimes wonder if I have made time to just enjoy "him, my little baby"...The time is going by so fast - sometimes we have an organized day, sometimes its chaos... he loves to be with mommy all day long and at times mom finds that hard. He has the biggest beautiful smile for mum, and sparkling eyes that make any heart melt....lifts his arms up to say "carry me please, I need a hug". He laughs and squeals with excitement, its just so so beautiful a sound yet like I said some days I wonder if I took the time to enjoy it all and have fun with him.
I have this figurine that a friend gave me...  its a mother spinning with her little one in the air. Its the perfect gift to remind me to just have fun with my little one, I thought to myself and placed it in my kitchen window. I guess its something I need to remind myself everyday... Yes, its good to do things with him but sometimes its also nice to just cuddle, kiss, tickle and play. I love the way his dad and him just cuddle and play...he calls him his beautiful son every single day and says how much he loves him.
Motherhood involves a lot of doing but its important to remember to just be together.
I guess that's what my heavenly father asks of me to. To sit awhile with him before I run off to the call of duty.
Dear Mister God, this is @ina...I need the grace to just be and not constantly want to do. Help me Lord.