Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Going back to my Roots

Over the last week, I got to visit the small village where my dad grew up for the first time. I have heard so many stories of his growing up days from him and his family and could only imagine what the place would be like.

We reached the little village around 10 in the morning and I was taken aback. It felt like we had traveled back in time … My dad was coming back after 24 years and even he was shocked. There were no roads except around the village. The houses were neatly aligned in rows with about 20 feet between them and looked like they were out of an old movie, with tiny front yards, and sloping roofs with tiles. The soil was like sea sand, loose and soft but reddish. I threw my sandals away and ran along the sandy streets just getting a feel of the place. There were not many people out at that time, perhaps the moms and dads where at work some place and the kids at school, while the older generation rested indoors till the sun went down a little...

The highlight of the little village was the church. All the roads led to the large red stoned beautiful church right in the center of the village, with a steeple that reached up to the sky having a big round clock midway. It was absolutely stunning. I have seen a lot of church buildings but none as beautiful as this one. It was built in the beginning of the last century and inside the windows had some amazing paintings. I walked around with my dad as he narrated the many events that took place over the years on those very grounds.

Dad had climbed up the steeple many a time when he was young but now it was closed as the ladders that went up was a little shaky. Dad however wanted me to get the full experience so we decided to give it a shot. The person in charge gave us the keys and we found a tiny little passage for one, through which we began our climb. Mind you, this steeple was exceptionally tall. There where seven levels and each level kept getting narrower. Dad led the way and soon we were heading up! On the third floor we found the mechanism for the clock. It was huge and ancient with a big round pendulum and a perfectly in tune tick-tock. On the floor above the clock was the large iron bell. Gosh! Though rusted and dusty, this bell has been ringing for the last two centuries 24 times each day, telling this little town the exact time from generation to generation!! As we climbed past the 4th level I felt like I was in a Famous Five Story book!! Creaking wooden panels on the floor, a narrow shaky ladder, up a dingy tower ...! :) Now we had pigeons flying in and out as well, through the large stone windows that gave us light and air. The view was getting more and more amazing. Finally we reached the top floor. Only one person could fit in the very top at a time since the wall was much narrower and so Dad encouraged me on. On one side, there was a small hole in which was a nest with a young pigeon and on the other side was the last stone window. I peered out and watched the tiny world underneath me! There was a cool breeze. Parrots flew way below me. The kids formed a line outside in the village school and they looked like ants in uniform! I could see this entire village and all the neighboring villages, perhaps even the other side of the globe! :)

Slowly we climbed back down and as we reached the last floor, dad picked up a pigeon feather and gave it to me. He said “That’s in memory of our little adventure”! The feather is safely tucked away in my little wooden box of treasures and the memory will remain forever in my heart. On my knees in that old church I whispered a little prayer, renewing a commitment I made over a decade ago. Before long, it was time to go.

Nothing had changed. To me it was a picture perfect village!
Still, I did not see a hospital, or even a tailors shop. No large vehicles, only cycles. No eating place or entertainment. I wish there was something I could do to plow back into that village that today created this wonderful family I am part of that is spread all across the world. I will.

Dear Mister God, this is @ina talking . . . Help me to always remember my promise.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

The other side

Oops! This is yet another story from the roads I travel on!

We have been having a major half of a long stretch of the road I travel on daily blocked out for more than 9 months now. There where big posters on the partition apologizing for the inconvenience and asking us to be patient. One of them read “You have to put up with the rain in order to enjoy the rainbow”. I loved this one and it just made me smile no matter how bad the traffic got on that stretch due to the work taking place.

Finally however this has come to a close, more or less and this morning the ‘other half’ of the road was opened to us for the first time. Since there where big barriers I never got to actually *see* what was happening on 'the other side'. Rumor has it however that work went on night and day. The road which was about 20 feet now spanned for about 50 feet! It promises to be simply too good to be true!
Driving down it the first time, I caught myself thinking “I had no idea there was so much of work going on this side”!

It’s like that with life too I guess. We see the side of us that the world see’s and judges. But there is ‘another side’ to us which is constantly (night and day) growing with every new experience, changing with every new encounter, and expanding with every new opportunity. We may not always *see* it and progress sometimes seems (painfully) slow but the fruits of which we will enjoy, in time. We just need to be patient and not give up! :)

Dear Mister God, this is @ina talking . . . Enjoyed learning that lil lesson with you today.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

The invisible Men

I was driving home late last night on one of the best laid roads in my city. It’s one of those roads where you can drive pretty fast and not be too alert. . . (Hope my dad does not come across this!) ...;)

Anyways, I was quite amused to find two (police)men, carrying a big chunk of cement right to the center of the road. Apparently there was a big pot hole, and they were trying to fill it in. As I passed by that strip, I came quite dangerously close to falling into it myself but was waved away by them.

The road was deserted and cold and these men where just doing their work, unwatched, unknown. As I drove on I thought about the next morning when the peak our traffic will jam the roads and many a car, bike, van, lorry, bus will pass that way. Who knows what could have happened if that pot hole was not taken care of? Who knows, perhaps an accident was averted by this act?

Today, we had a heavy down pour. I had forgotten all about what I just narrated but as I drove home and passed by that same strip, it was covered with ankle deep water... I could not see the road clearly but was confident that it will be okay. Someone had worked extra time to make sure the road will be safe for me.

Ever grateful to these invisible men and the many more out there who toil so things will be okay for people like me.

Dear Mister God, this is @ina talking . . . Make me like these men, hidden and unknown perhaps, and thought little of by those around but satisfying your heart.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

On a Holiday

I had been on a holiday with my friends and colleagues, to a beautiful hill station. Here’s a recollection of my most cherished moments:

Day 1: We were packed and raring to go on Friday night. The train was at nine and we all jammed in. The best bit of the journey was staying up late into the night chatting non-stop! The next morning we got of on our station at 4 am. It was cold and the chirping of birds was so loud that I had to raise your voice to be heard. My heart was excited and the sights and sounds made me feel like I was part of the opening scene in the movie Sound of Music! :) The hills are alive . . .

We reached our hotel around mid-morning. It was a beautiful place perched a little higher than the village that surrounded it. Our room had a lovely French window on one side from where I could see part of the village, comfy chairs to recline, and a huge bed in the center! Jus Peeeeeeeeerfect! :)

Washed and loaded with a big breakfast we did a bit of sight seeing that day and where back by late afternoon. Too excited to rest a few friends and I took a walk around the place and just enjoyed the sights and scenes of the hills. Every turn brought you to a new place! Every hill looked so alike and yet was so different. I couldn’t get enough of it!

Late that eve we settled down to play some indoor games and I got to pick up a table tennis racket for the first time. It was fun. With a slight change in the rules of the game we proved to be experts! The rule being the ball can go anywhere in the room other than on the table! ;)

Day 2: One of my friends came knocking at half past 5 in the morning. I was the only one semi-awake so dragged myself from under the thick sheets that helped keep me warm in the freezing temperature and opened the door. She had come to pick up a sweater she had left the previous night. Am going for a walk she proclaimed, and before she could finish I was grabbing my sweater and running after her.

The morning is the most beautiful time to experience the hills and I just did not want to miss it. We went on a steep climb from on narrow road, from where we could see quite far and wide. The rustling of the leaves and the not-at-all gentle breeze is something I can’t ever forget. We plodded on, picking wild flowers and chatting.

Just when we were thinking it would be nice to have a hot cup of tea we bumped into a couple of other friends who had also decided to come out for a walk. We joined company and since no tea shop was open we decided to instead trek a near by mountain. Has we began our climb, using a narrow path probably left by those who come that way to collect fire wood we were joined by a fluffy dog! He decided to be our guide and marched on in front of us!! Overjoyed dog and man exchanged roles and we followed faithfully till we reached the top. It was beautiful. The breeze was so strong that the trees waved like a flag. We stood for awhile, took a couple of pictures and began our climb down. Of course with our expert guide we had no reason to worry. As we made it back to the road, we turned around to thank our faithful friend and found he was no where! He had left, who knows what else was on his agenda for that day! We rounded up our trek with a hot cup of tea and were back just in time to get ready and set out for sight seeing.

Our agenda included a lot of trekking and rock climbing. I can’t say it fun at all times but it was definitely worth it and I enjoyed it. Cause after what seemed like endless walking we reached rocks suspended in the middle of nowhere from where we could view breathtaking sights.

The day ended with a bonfire. I grabbed on my sweat shirt, a pullover and a scarf and made my way along with friends to what was a small amphitheater with a bonfire in the center. We had loud music, games, dancing and a whole lot of laughs! :D After the festivity was over and all left a few of us returned to the same place later that night. The place that was full of life hardly an hour ago was now perfectly silent. We huddled close to fire which was almost dying out. In the strong breeze that blew now and then the embers flew high, and looked like fire flies in the dark night sky.

Day 3: A few of my friends and I woke up early. We had decided to trek the same near by mountain and this time reach a little spring we had noticed the other day from the top. So off we went, camera in hand and sweaters wrapped around us. We reached the spot where we could see the spring flow over the rocks but actually getting down to the rocks seemed a lot harder. After contemplating the risk we decided to give it a shot anyway. We made it without much too much of trouble and soon found ourselves sitting on a rock with a beautiful stream flowing around us, among flowers that were the size of our heads! My friends requested a song, and so I sang “Over the mountains and the seas...” to my petite audience. It’s a moment that shall remain forever etched in my heart.

Later that eve, after our regular sight seeing for the day we took a long walk to a lake nearby. We rented out cycles for an hour and rode around the lake. I have not been on a bicycle for ages and riding it brought back childhood memories. The lake was beautiful and the only way to best experience it was on a bicycle! It was so much of fun!! That was followed by a little treat washed down with a hot cup of tea!

Day 4: I just wanted to warp myself tight and sleep but this was gonna be our last morning on the hill and I just could not miss it. So forcing myself out of bed I found company and decided to go out. I walked a little way and since the others decided to trek and I was not too eager to do so, took a short walk back singing at the top of my voice! Thank God, there was no one around! :)

As I reached base I found another troop just starting out into the mountains and joined them. We took an entirely different road that led up to an old school. The building was completely run down and the board said “Batch of ‘86’!” Hmmm…eerie! After taking a few snaps we hitchhiked our way back on a local bus glad to be back to familiar ground! ;)

The trip was almost done. We were to check out and spend the day near the lake bicycling, taking pictures and shopping. Gathering my stuff together, as we left the room, I could not help kneeling by my bed side and saying a simple short Thank you. This holiday had turned out to be more beautiful than I had thought or hoped.

Dear Mister God, this is @ina talking . . . Glad you convinced me to go! :)

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Teary Eyed Me

Hmmm... I find myself teary eyed and I can’t quite explain why. Something relatively minor has left me in a total mess for the last two days and I just can’t get over it!

I’ve been a little over worked and touchy, and that’s the only reason I can find. I just have not have had enough quite time and mole hills take the shape of mountains in my head! :/

I wish I could just get over it but I can’t. I need to take a break but I can’t. I need to re-focus on what’s important in life but I can’t. I just need to be quiet, but I can’t.
It’s just so hard. I know what I got to do but I just can’t do it.

Been there? I sure hope not......!
Dear Mister God, this is @ina talking . . . Grace to seek you I need, for in you alone I find rest.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The One who Stills me

I was on the phone with an aunt of mine after quite some time. We talked about the general ups and downs in our life… things she referred to as ‘volcanoes and earthquakes’ …. Pretty descriptive I think ‘coz mostly we seem to be either trapped in circumstances that just *erupt* or circumstances that *cave* in… on us!

‘But’ she added with a pause, I come home to X and X helps *still* me.

Hmmm… loved the way she put that! I guess we all have that special someone in our lives, who can just help us be *still* when everything else erupts or caves in on us. Know what I mean? Or perhaps there is more than one person like so in our lives.

I can think of a few and I’d really like to be that kind of a person to a few too. :) And to those special people who just help *still* me. Thank you.

Dear Mister God, this is @ina talking . . . You are one of those special people.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


One of the most beautiful movies I have ever seen is an Indian Movie called Black. I have been meaning to write about it for long, and finally am typing it down…!

It’s about a little girl, who was born blind. She has never seen light and lives in a dark world and hence the name Black. Her parents do not know how to help her and she grows into a wild child, and has an animal like existence. The role is so well portrayed in the movie that one can literally feel the darkness, depression, desolation and desperation of this little child. She gets worse as she grows older and finally her parents decide she will either go mad and has to be taken care of in a special place or they need to find her someone who will be able to draw her out of her dark world.

Help comes in the form of a teacher who is specially gifted. He moves into the house and begins to help her. It’s not easy. He is strict and she has never been used to discipline before. He is literally thrown out of the house because her parents do not like the way he teaches but he persists. He struggles to break into her world of darkness by enabling her to connect words with the feel of things. After a long ordeal, light finally breaks into this young lady’s dark world as she begins to recognize words and associate them with touch!

The story does not end there. The student depends on her teacher to show her the world through his eyes. They go on to achieve what was never thought possible by sheer determination… (Shall not disclose the end incase you want to watch it and have not yet!)

The reason I narrate is because I could connect with the little girl lost in a dark world. I may not be plunged in physical darkness but I am talking about the darkness inside. The darkness that we all battle with some times, some days. Perhaps we even battle it everyday. And like the little girl we need to be taught one small step at a time to reach out for the light. It’s not easy and sometimes it’s just sheer determination that will keep you going.

Ever been there? If yes, you are not alone.

Dear Mister God, this is @ina talking . . . My teacher, my friend, Can’t imagine a life without you.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Words of Wisdom

My Grandma is one of the biggest treasures in my life. She is like no one else I have ever known or will ever know. Her concern, care, and prayers night and day for me are like a heavenly cloak around me protecting me and strengthening me always.

Grandpa died a few years ago. I used to call him the Grandest Grand Pa, coz he truly was the most wonderful granddad according to me. He had a special twinkle in his eyes (Yeah, just like you read in story books), loved to laugh and loved people in an unconditional, over the top way.

Grandma always has words of wisdom to share and I enjoy sitting on the shore of the beach (one of her favorite places) and chatting with her. I wish I could do that more often!

She spent the last week with us and gave me a word of advice before she left. It was about temper tantrums. She said if ever you are in the same room with someone who has lost their temper, then you be the one who holds peace. Agree with what they have to say and go along with it all, fair or unfair. Then wait for a time when they have calmed down and talk things over. That’s how grandpa and I dealt with things she explained. When I was upset, he was patient and when he was upset I was patient. They never fought once in the 40 odd years of their married life.

I did not take her advice too seriously till something happened and I learnt from practice that it’s not easy to do so but trust me it works wonders! It’s something I want to hold on to for the rest of my life.

Dear Mister God, this is @ina talking . . . Thank you for Grandmamma.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Love Covers

I was reading this statement this morning - 'Love Covers over All Wrong' in the book of the Proverbs… I have read it so many times before but this time I actually paused to think and I was taken aback by what it meant.
Let’s break it up…
Love Covers (Envelop, conceal, hide, protect, deal with, embrace, take in) over All (Completely, entirely, altogether, every part of, the whole) Wrong (Incorrect, wide of the mark, immoral, wicked, dishonest, unethical, improper, insult, injustice, injure, abuse, sin…)

That says a loooot, huh?

Makes me wonder - Have I ever ‘Loved’ anyone? Or Will I ever be able to ‘Love’?
‘coz Love and I mean Real Love covers.

Dear Mister God, this is @ina talking . . . Perhaps the reason I struggle with coming to grips with your love for me, which is a perfect Love that covers over all wrong is because I think of your love like mine.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Noddy says No!

Ever watched the cartoon show on Noddy?
If you haven’t then Noddy is a little boy in Toy World, who is a Taxi driver who delivers packages to toys in toy town. Noddy is a good natured, pleasant, nice young man who is always helpful and kind. The little town also has two goblins who are always up to mischief and Noddy often comes to the rescue of Toy town!

I am way over the age of watching cartoons, but still enjoy ‘em ... wait a minute, is there an age limit for cartoons? (Chuckle)

Anyway in this particular episode I watched, the goblins ask Noddy for a ride in his car. Noddy agrees and gives them a ride. But the Goblins begin to demand more of him. They ask him to take him from one place to another and refuse to let him go. Finally Noddy is tired, hungry and to make matters verse his fuel tank is almost empty.

He finally gets rid of the goblins after a long ordeal but his tank has no fuel to take him back to town and Noddy has to walk back to get some fuel.

An old gentleman who is a good friend of Noddy meets him on his way and asks him what is wrong. Noddy explains. His friend tells him he needs to learn to say “No!”
“But, But... they said please and thank you...” says Noddy.
That does not mean you have to do all that they say explains the old man.

The nest day, the Goblins come around to find Noddy again, but Noddy says No. He explains that he is busy and has other things to do and would just rather not hang out with them! His old friend is pleased and says, “Noddy, you are now growing up!“
And Noddy breaks into a little song, which ends with “You can say No, and still be Nice!”

Why do I narrate all this?
Well, I for one have a lot of trouble saying No. I tend to associate it with being offensive, rude or impolite and many a time end up messed up because of just that. A family friend of mine came over and she was talking about the same sort of thing too... I think in some ways we all struggle with saying No in different situations and to different types of pressures.

But many a time, we need to say No. To protect ourselves sometimes if not for anything else - Just like Noddy did!

So this is a reminder to me and the world (including toy world!) – No is a small but powerful world. Use it when you should to yourself (when fighting temptation) and to others (when need arrises).

Dear Mister God, this is @ina talking . . . Just as you say No, as so good Father should, Teach me to say No as a wise child should.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

All The World Is A Stage

Quoting William Shakespeare, If all the world is a stage and we are the actors and actresses, then have you ever wondered who is the audience? Ever wondered if someone was watching you?

I for one believe with all my heart that there is an unseen world out there, watching our every move. Applauding our achievements, crying when we are hurt and cheering us on in the course of life.

So getting back to the question, Ever wondered if there is an audience out there, and if so who the audience is?
There are only two possible answers. Yes, there is and No, there isn’t. And the answer rests quite squarely on faith.

But think about it . . . if there is no one out there then, Life sure seems pretty pointless. But if there was, and that too an esteemed audience, I'll sure want to put the best show I can!

Dear Mister God, this is @ina talking . . . Glad I am being watched!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Phases Of Life

A good friend of mine and I were talking about the next phase in life over breakfast.

Almost every decade of our life comes with a lot of changes. The first ten, are the years of our childhood, the next ten is full of ups and downs as teenagers and then almost suddenly we reach adulthood... followed by marriage mostly, and then motherhood/fatherhood - okay, right now I can't think much beyond that, so I'll stop there! ;-)

I was expressing my apprehension about moving on to the next phase as I am just getting comfortable with this one!

But my friend had a diffrent perspective. She said something like, "Hey! Enjoy every phase, make the most of it while you are in it and keep moving on!"
I know it is true about her life. She makes the most of her everyday, living out her life, enjoying it all the while.

The conversation helped me see things in a different light. So to you who are reading this - Enjoy the phase you are in, whichever it might be, 'coz none is better than the other but they are all beautiful.

And my friend, if you ever read this, which i hope you would, Thank you! :-)

Dear Mister God, this is @ina talking . . . You are the unseen person in every conversation and I bet you were listening to it all saying "Spot on!".

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Time and Space

An interesting extract from a book I read . . .

"On the night of February 23, 1987, an astronomer in Chile observed with his naked eye the explosion of a distant Super Nova, a blast so powerful that it released as much energy in one second as our sun will release in 10 billion years. It was spectacular!

But did that event actually occur on February 23, 1987?

Only from the perspective of our planet. Actually the Super Nova exploded 170,000 years prior to our 1987, but the light generated by that far away event, traveling almost six trillion miles a year, took 170,000 years to reach our galaxy . . . "

It is a little mind blowing, to me. The extract defies my normal understanding of time which is limited by the perspective of our planet. (Think about it)But I let this limited perspective of mine, dictate my understanding o the universe, my understanding of life, and my understanding of God!

Dear Mister God, this is @ina talking . . . I sometimes limit you by my limited understanding. Try to put you in a box so to speak. It's awesome to remember that you are not limited by my limitations of you though.

'Nice, Nice'

My little niece who is almost two now is such a bundle of joy. She is an easy going child and can captivate any stranger with her big eyes and smile. We took her out to the beach for the first time. Intially I thought that she would be afraid of the waves. She is hardly two feet tall and the waves are much higher out here.

But Oh no! The minute her tiny feet hit the sand she ran towards the water and the next hour and half we spent in the sea playing! It was fun! Eveytime a wave hit the shore and covered her feet she broke into a loud laughter.
Little while later she discovered that sand + water = Mud, which is also equally exciting! So then we had mud puddle games and so on... till finally I had to wrap her in a towel and carry her out distracting her attention.

As we walked out she began to sing a little song. It's what she says when she likes something. It's a two little words chorus, two little words stanza and two little words song, sung by a two year old!
It's actualy quite easy to catch, and goes something like this... "Nice, Nice","Nice, Nice", "Nice, Nice" . . . Sung in a ding, dong kinda tune! LOL.

Well, I write songs too but I must tell you this : I put a lot of thought into it, play with the words till I confuse myself at times, trying to express the way I feel - She did not have any of those problems but expressed herself perfectly well!
Ah! Kids. Wish we could be like 'em sometimes. ;-)

Dear Mister God this is @ina talking . . . 'Nice, Nice'. Just felt like singing that to you!