Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Point to Ponder

I was late this morn and was in a hurry. I ought to have been on my way a good 30 minutes ago but I had taken it easy. I got up late. The morning air was uncommonly wet and foggy and I spent a few moments basking in it. It was quite amazing. I could hardly see my neighbor’s house! Then I did a couple of chores all the while chatting with my family and before I knew it I was late…!

So now I’m driving through this rush hour traffic thinking I should have hurried up a lil and maybe things would have been a lot easier for me. Hmmm…
Just then (interestingly) I see this bumper sticker on a car before me. It read “A man who is in a hurry is not truly civilized”

:-/ interesting . . .

It made me think of all the million times I’ve brushed passed people, or scrapped through a red signal, just because I was in a hurry. I can’t exactly call it civilized behavior, can I?
And it isn’t just about driving.
Consider this morn for example. I would have missed out on a quite amazing time, if I was in a hurry. And that’s not an isolated event. I could think of a hundred other similar situations, which happen in my everyday where I hurt someone, or miss a good opportunity to help out or just ignore people I really care for, all because I am in a hurry.

Turn the table around, and I wonder if I like to be around people who are always in a hurry and hardly have any time for me. Errr…. No, I don’t.

Perhaps the saying was concerning civilized driving but I guess even civilized living is not quite possible when you are in a hurry. But you know what’s funny about that? It’s us, the so called ‘civilized people’ who are always in a hurry.

It’s a point to ponder! I think I’m going to put it up on my wall. It’s something I ought to be reminded of time and again.

Dear Mister God, this is @ina talking . . . I cannot count the number of times I’ve been too much in a hurry to talk to you. But You, You always make sure You have all the time for me.

1 comment:

Anita said...

Btw, just wanted to add, all through, I kept hearing this quite voice telling me to not be in a hurry and enjoy life rather than rush through life as I was trying to do. But No, I wouldn’t listen.
It took a big bumper sticker and a long note on my journal to knock some sense into me!
Sometimes God has to really throw boulders to get my attention…

Let’s save that thought however for another day!