Thursday, May 25, 2006

Love Covers

I was reading this statement this morning - 'Love Covers over All Wrong' in the book of the Proverbs… I have read it so many times before but this time I actually paused to think and I was taken aback by what it meant.
Let’s break it up…
Love Covers (Envelop, conceal, hide, protect, deal with, embrace, take in) over All (Completely, entirely, altogether, every part of, the whole) Wrong (Incorrect, wide of the mark, immoral, wicked, dishonest, unethical, improper, insult, injustice, injure, abuse, sin…)

That says a loooot, huh?

Makes me wonder - Have I ever ‘Loved’ anyone? Or Will I ever be able to ‘Love’?
‘coz Love and I mean Real Love covers.

Dear Mister God, this is @ina talking . . . Perhaps the reason I struggle with coming to grips with your love for me, which is a perfect Love that covers over all wrong is because I think of your love like mine.


NoViCe said...

Amen to that. It is indeed hard to have that kinda love!

starry said...

Beautiful post. got me thinking

Anita said...

Hi Novice!

Yeah...I dig. But with Him inside it's not impossible! :)

Hi Starry nights!

Thank you. Am glad to hear from you. :)

Was just going through your posts. I *so* enjoy your reading your thoughts...

a girl said...

I'm loving the study of words happening there! =)

Can ya give us a reference?

Anita said...

Hi a girl!

Sure! :)

I started with Proverbs 10:12 which says “Hatred stirs up dissension, but Love covers over all wrongs.” And then began to look up the references and found the same thought echoed over and over again!

Like Pro 17:9 says “He who covers over an offence promotes Love . . . “and 1 Peter 4:8 says “…Love covers over a multitude of sins” and finally the best reference of all Corinthians 13 (Remember how we quoted it together?) says “Love keeps no record of wrongs.”

I particularly like the last reference which says “no record”. Guess that equals “covers over”. Somehow that’s hard to do as humans. You think you are over whatever and won’t ever bring it up again and then something on the parallel happens and bham! You are surprised that it’s still there, recorded. And only Grace can bail you out.

The fact that God ain’t one bit like that is what leaves me awestruck and glad!
Hope this helps!

a girl said...

Thanks darling.. that helps plenty =)