Heard of this before? Well it's this pretty neat idea I came across from this a friend of mine! You can write yourself a mail and have it delivered to you after a time gap! It reads something like this:
"Greetings from your past. In the fall of 2005, you agreed to receive this message, which has been preserved for a year in ..."
"Here is the text of your message:" [Your text follows]
I have put extracts from what my friend had to say 'coz well it inspired me! Here goes...
"Hi X,
....This is "me", I mean "yourself" one year before! ...
I sincerely hope by this time, you must have.... [Hopes and dreams follow]
[I liked this bit the best]
This is to let ya know: don't loose that smile in your face and try your best to instill it on all the others you meet...."
Not all of my friend’s hopes and dreams had come true but the conclusion bit is a wonderful message… perhaps all that counts in the end of the day.
Inspired? You could try this out if you'd like....Send a mail to yourself after a given time frame or to anyone else for that matter! :)
Dear @ina this is Mister God talking . . . Greetings from the time of your creation. My thoughts and plans for you are like the grains of sand on the seashore… though the tides may sweep over them, they still remain. You mean so much to me. ;-)
"Greetings from your past. In the fall of 2005, you agreed to receive this message, which has been preserved for a year in ..."
"Here is the text of your message:" [Your text follows]
I have put extracts from what my friend had to say 'coz well it inspired me! Here goes...
"Hi X,
....This is "me", I mean "yourself" one year before! ...
I sincerely hope by this time, you must have.... [Hopes and dreams follow]
[I liked this bit the best]
This is to let ya know: don't loose that smile in your face and try your best to instill it on all the others you meet...."
Not all of my friend’s hopes and dreams had come true but the conclusion bit is a wonderful message… perhaps all that counts in the end of the day.
Inspired? You could try this out if you'd like....Send a mail to yourself after a given time frame or to anyone else for that matter! :)
Dear @ina this is Mister God talking . . . Greetings from the time of your creation. My thoughts and plans for you are like the grains of sand on the seashore… though the tides may sweep over them, they still remain. You mean so much to me. ;-)
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