Saturday, January 20, 2007

Something’s eating me!

Ever felt like that?

I just know it. And I can feel it. It’s inside me. It’s eating up a big chunk of my joy, my peace, my mind. I’m trying hard to put my finger on it but I can’t. It’s just illusive.

Well let me try to break it up.

I’ve been doing a lot of new things these last two weeks. Most of which I have never done before. New things unnerve me for starters and leave me a little wobbly on the inside. That could be part of it.

And then most of it makes me vulnerable to people. I have been doing it all with the best of intentions and to the best I know how but it has left me fearful of being judged and fearful of the possibility that I might be doing the wrong thing.

Then there is also this etc bit. The little this and that….I have not had the time to think over and it still lies within me waiting for my attention.

And though I hear that soft firm voice guide me I still find it hard at times. I know only one place where all of this can be put to rest. It’s talking to mister god.

Dear Mister God, this is @ina talking . . . so here I am. Help me see with your eyes.


Anita said...

I must admit I did not get my answer immediately, but two things have been put more firmly in my heart:

$ There is something good in everything. Absolutely everything. And with God you will have the strength to pick just that up and leave all the rest behind.

$ It's your heart and your motives that matter with God. Your intentions not the results! While the world looks at your accomplishments and more, God looks at your heart and nothing more!

God Rocks! :)

Unknown said...

Yes GOD is ultimate. Everything lies in his hands. We are just the audience.