Saturday, December 03, 2005


Most dogs are colour blind. I have always felt sorry for them because of that. I realize my dog cannot see a rainbow in the sky or a bright flower or any of those colourful things we seem to take for granted.
Seems rather sad, doesn’t it?

Colour makes no difference to him. Colour does not decide the way he treats people. Colour does not make some more special than the other. Colour does not contribute to his judgment either. (he has a very good one, mind you!)

I'm reminded of one of my never-grow-tired-of songs also about colours by Phil Collins. It's called 'True Colours'. Show me your true colours, just like a rainbow... he encourages. I hear those words and think 'It's not always easy to see 'em in others let alone live out my true colours...!
But know something, for my dog, it is. He may not be able to see the rainbow in the sky but he does see the rainbow talked about in the song much better than I will ever do.

I began writing wondering what the world would look like if we could not see colour. Bleak, I thought to myself. But on second thought, maybe the world will be a much more beautiful and colourful place if we are all colour-blind after all.

Dear Mister God, This is @ina talking . . . I guess you are colour-blind. Wish I could live that way too.

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