Friday, December 02, 2005

Scary Stuff

You know what's the scariest thing to do?
Is it jumping of a cliff? or Is it standing on a stage before a multitude of people? or Is it writing this post? (!!) ;-)

It is giving myself a chance to be known and liked / disliked for who I am. To just be me!
Know what I mean?
We tend to hide behind plastic smiles and cold handshakes and talk about opinions never experiences, thoughts never feelings, knowledge never ideas or dreams and the like. And if we ever dared to try a monstrous thought such as "What if *they* disagree / criticize / judge / dislike me?" appears and ensures we play it safe. . . most of the time.

Let’s just try and answer that monster, shall we?
"What if *they* do disagree / criticize / judge / dislike me?"
Probably, I will have one less person in the world whose expectations I am struggling to keep up with. And if not - I will have one more person in the world whose friendship will truly be worth my all.

Hmmm . . . Are you beginning to see what I am beginning to see? Perhaps the scary stuff ain’t that scary after all.

Dear Mister God, this is @ina talking . . . If it ain’t all that scary to just be me then perhaps the really scary-stuff is to hide myself away.

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