Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Mushrooms

We have had some heavy rain for the last few days. Its been so hot this summer that the rains are so welcome. I have spent hours sitting out at our front porch enjoying the sound, smell and sight of rain. My mum loves gardening and we have a lot of plants around our house. I love the way they all look like they have had a bath! :)

I noticed something unusal though... There were mushrooms sprouting all over the place. They just seemed to magicaly appear when the season is just right for them. Sometimes we dont see it but when the season is it right something new and beautiful surfaces and we wonder hey! where did that come from?

I realized that in the garden of life or the garden of marriage, some fruits and flowers need to be cultivated, cared for and nutured in order to grow to its fullest potential. At other times through the course of everyday life there are seeds deposited in our garden that we may not see but in due season bring new fruits in our lives.

Dear Mister Gid this is @ina... Help me to remember in everyday You are doing a Good work in me, even when I dont always see it.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Simple ways to Love

My dad loves the Wednesday Newspaper. It has a page on Cars and he never misses it. It's the first thing he looks at on Wednesdays and it keeps him analyzing cars and their maintenance week after week. There are however times when he is away from home for a month or a couple of weeks in a row and recently i came to know that mum always saves the paper on the cars for him. The day he comes back he has a stash of the articles that have been printed for him to catch up on! :)

Mum on the other hand has never had to ever look at the gas gauge on her vehicle. It is always wiped, tank is filled, tires checked...what else I dont know but maintained at top condition come what may rain or sunshine. :)

With 30 years of life together they have found their own ways of showing they care and simple ways to say "I love you and want to make your life comfortable and enjoyable". Ah! Just thinking about that made me smile.

Dear Mister God this is @ina... May we always find ways, make the time and go out of the way to do simple things for each other! :)