Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Seed

My mum and me watched the movie Inception. I just happened to see it repeatedly though I am not someone who generally watches a movie a second time unless its a romantic comedy!

What amazes me is how they so accurately portray how a thought is like a seed and can change the course of a persons life. I have been playing with this concept that a thought can change my life and found it so true. If someone should suggest something to me, or if my own thoughts choose to meditate on a subject almost immediately it affects my mood, my words, my actions and my attitude. When I focus on positive thoughts my whole being is more positive and the minute I allow something negative like bitterness, self-pity or hurt  into my thoughts it has a negative effect on my being, my life, the way I am with my family around me and invariably my present and my future.

Thoughts, opinions of people, what we choose to read, what we see and hear all of these things are in some ways like seeds planted in our minds which slowly but surely begin to grow and blossom. My mum is a great gardener and I watch her patiently examine her plants everyday while watering them to ensure there are no weeds, bugs or diseases spreading. If she finds her plants being harmed in anyway she takes the required action and the sooner found the easier it is to root them out. Well, its an awesome lesson that is teaching me to allow the loving eyes of the Holy Spirit to examine my mind and my heart moment by moment to take away the seeds of thoughts that are weeds so that the fruits of love deposited in my soul can take deeper root and flourish.

Dear Mister God this is @ina... Thank you for filling my inmost soul with living water, with abundance of peace, joy, and love and may it flow through my life.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Great Friendship

I am not someone who has a lot of friends but I have few who are not just good but great friends. Lets call this friend May, because we met in May! :)

May and I became friends the moment we met. Its not always like that but then there are those few people who you meet and feel like you must have known them all your life - well, she was one. We had some great times together and as life would have it in a few months had to each move far away from each other. We both got married a few months apart and there were lots of circumstances for us to let our friendship fall apart. But it dint and she had some words of wisdom to share with me that I feel the world should know....I hope you don't mind May!

"...Small small misunderstandings come and go...but as it is said in good relationship friendship or love or any family bonding, it is not necessary that there should not be any misunderstanding what is important is how soon we forget the bad phase and bounce back to normal..."

We are all people who many times even despite best efforts hurt, fail and tend to take each other for granted after awhile. Good friendships last while the going is good but what sets apart great friendships is that they last past both the good and bad phases.

Dear Mister God this is @ina... Thank you for the Good and Great friendships that help shape us into better people. The Greatest of friendships is found in You and help us to hold on to You so in turn we can be Great friends to others.

Monday, January 09, 2012

The Magnanimous Eagle

The sun was setting and I stood on my rooftop enjoying every last glimpse of the beautiful orange globe disappearing in the now blue and purple sky. An eagle was soaring above my head and he landed on the house near ours. He was being chased by black crows who looked small next to him.

This is a common practice of the crows and am not sure why but they love to harass the eagle. One flew just above his head almost trying to cause him to duck his head but he just stood still. Another sat nearby cawing loudly. Yet another flew around him in an agitated manner. Through it all he stayed calm and peaceful. As the sky turned a little darker the tiny menaces finally gave up and flew home while the eagle continued to enjoy the view till he decided to soar up, up, up and away!

The eagle reminded me so much about what God says about having a calm and peaceful spirit. At times thoughts, situations or people can keep us agitated, annoyed or frustrated.

The eagle however is gifted with the strength, grace and ability to soar above them. He chooses to be magnanimous despite their menace and remains calm in trouble, knowing who God made him to be. Wow!

Dear Mister God this is @ina... Life is not always easy but grant me a calm and peaceful spirit that brings you delight! :)