Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Finding my Sparkle

I have not been writing very regularly lately and am making an effort to catch up on a few posts ahead of the new year. Year end posts are usually a celebration but here is one thats a little different.

Each of us have within us a sparkle - Something that makes our eyes glow, our face shine and our hearts rejoice. Let's stop for a second there. Thought of what makes you sparkle?

Well, I have seen that sparkle in my eyes on occasions when the kindness of a person overwhelms me, or the love I feel in my heart consumes me, or the joy of the moment captivates me. Lately that sparkle in me is missing. I wake up, go to work, work hard, enjoy work and the interaction at work, relax when at home, catch up with friends and so on.... The norm I should think but then there is definitely something missing. There was a point and time when no matter what i did I was excited, when hope was always louder than despair and Faith was stronger than Fear. When grey clouds where but a passing rain and sunshine never seemed too far away.

What has changed I ask myself and the answer seems simple - I have changed.

I have let go of childhood dreams and hit reality head on, I have grown tired of innocent hopes and accepted life’s twists, I have silenced the music in my spirit to listen to the voices of the world - I have settled for what is rather than expect what can be.

Am I right? I don’t think so.

So this New Year I have made a vow to myself to change what I can to put the spark back into my life. To sift through my baggage and find what makes me sparkle and pursue it.

If you are reading and can identify with me, Join me and lets raise our glasses to a new year of finding what makes us sparkle and pursuing it rather than settling for what is! :)

Dear Mister God, this is @ina talking... Help me to always remember You created me and put in my spirit a sparkle for a purpose.


R Karthick said...

I think identification of the fact that we have lost the sparkle is one of the major steps in finding our lost sparkle..!! The fact that you have successfully done that, the rest shouldnt be a big deal :).. Happy new year!!!

Anonymous said...

The peace within yourselves will find the sparkle. Allow things to hit the slow mode and you will figure out the unwanted noises that disturb the flash of light

Anonymous said...

I agree with u. Keep writing! You have inspired me.

Anita said...

Hi Karthick and others!

Thank You for your comments... Wish you a wonderful year ahead! :)


God's Loved One said...

ha ha ha ha....the sparkle has left it seems, all i ever saw in those eyes where naughtiness and a bratty anita...lol...so r u keeping up with the new-year resolutions, dont forget that u have told me all of it and v r supposed to keep each other in check :P

And for ur info, the sparkle never left me for i cant change my bratty self :P he he he