Thursday, September 01, 2011

My Best Friend

We met and in seven short days we had a wedding date

He took my breath away and sweeped me off my feet

With his kind eyes, big smile and warm embrace

And together we began a new chapter in life

Today, Its been seven months and everyday am discovering...

In his eyes, I see myself as beautiful

In his arms, I find myself at rest

In his strength, I can run for miles

In his confidence, I unlock hidden potential.

In his tenderness, I learn the true meaning of care

In his love, I find myself in the clouds

In his faith, I discover the beauty of life

In his humility, I see the meaning of great strength.

In his laughter, I feel complete

In his presence, I have great comfort

In his travels, I know I am within him

In his words, I am all that I am meant to be.

He is My best friend, my soul mate, the love of my life.

Dear Mister God this is @ina... May we be the best of friends everyday for as long as we live!

1 comment:

Balaji said...

Kavithaikku Poi Alagau.....LOL....
We will be....