This years first post is a little late. I have been wondering what I want to toast to this year, and there have been so many nice thoughts but not any that I wanted to blog about. However among my mentorship group we have been lately talking about "Living Convenient Lives" and its been something that has been on my mind a lot.
A convenient life - When "I" am in the center of my life and I do things that are comfortable for me to do. My mind is filled with thoughts about me, my family, my job and all that's mine! I am so caught up in fact that its hard to even notice anything beyond that. Oh but don't get me wrong, I do my part for the community making sure its something that fits into my life well and involves little trouble or effort.
Sounds familiar? Well I can relate soo much that its scary! There are a thousand reasons I could give to justifying everything about that statement but I want to challenge myself to think of something that's not convenient for me to do and do it at least once a week if not everyday.
So this years toast is to going beyond comfort zones and getting wet in the rain, dirty in the mud, scared but jumping out of the plane if that's what it takes to live not just a convenient life but a radical, passionate and creative life!
Dear Mister God this is @ina... A toast to walking with you into an uncharted course, willing to take risks and embracing living on the edge for you!