Friday, November 03, 2006

Full – Inside

I was speaking to a friend X over the phone after quite some time. X voice was warm and cheerful. There was an excitement and joy in X’s spirit that was conveyed by the exuberance of X voice. It was nothing obvious but subtle and listening to X I could tell X was *full-inside*!

Know what I mean? That’s my way of conveying an *all is happy* kinda state of being.

Does that mean that there was *nothing not happy* in X’s life? I don’t think so. Instead it’s when we come to terms with the not so happy bit and choose to rather be content (Btw: do you know content = happy! That’s what the dictionary says)

In fact X did go on to narrate some other things that X was not happy about but did not let *it*, steal the joy from X’s voice.

Wonder what’s stealing my Joy today? What’s keeping me from being content? Am I full on the inside?

. . . I can be!

Dear Mister God, this is @ina talking . . . you designed me full and I don’t wanna let the world steal it from me.


a girl said...

"(Btw: do you know content = happy! That’s what the dictionary says)"

No way! I had no idea.

I'm yet to get thru the whole dictionary ;)

Anita said...

Hey a girl!

So nice to hear from you again! Hope you doing well. =)

You kinda got me started on this word study thing...There sure is so many discoveries to be made...!

Do keep in touch!