Tuesday, April 25, 2006

'Nice, Nice'

My little niece who is almost two now is such a bundle of joy. She is an easy going child and can captivate any stranger with her big eyes and smile. We took her out to the beach for the first time. Intially I thought that she would be afraid of the waves. She is hardly two feet tall and the waves are much higher out here.

But Oh no! The minute her tiny feet hit the sand she ran towards the water and the next hour and half we spent in the sea playing! It was fun! Eveytime a wave hit the shore and covered her feet she broke into a loud laughter.
Little while later she discovered that sand + water = Mud, which is also equally exciting! So then we had mud puddle games and so on... till finally I had to wrap her in a towel and carry her out distracting her attention.

As we walked out she began to sing a little song. It's what she says when she likes something. It's a two little words chorus, two little words stanza and two little words song, sung by a two year old!
It's actualy quite easy to catch, and goes something like this... "Nice, Nice","Nice, Nice", "Nice, Nice" . . . Sung in a ding, dong kinda tune! LOL.

Well, I write songs too but I must tell you this : I put a lot of thought into it, play with the words till I confuse myself at times, trying to express the way I feel - She did not have any of those problems but expressed herself perfectly well!
Ah! Kids. Wish we could be like 'em sometimes. ;-)

Dear Mister God this is @ina talking . . . 'Nice, Nice'. Just felt like singing that to you!


Gokul Kannan Jeyapaul said...

Kids can be a lot...Sometimes teachers...Sometimes play mates...Sometimes pain killers...But all time favorites ;)

Anita said...

Hey Gokul!

Welcome to my page!Nice to hear from you.
What you said is so true!... I guess it comes from experience with your lil nephew?! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Now this was truly "nice".

Daniel Andrew said...

the joy when a four letter word is repeated by a kido is as good as a book well wrtieen!!
Gettin reminded of my nephews!! :)
