Monday, January 30, 2006

Simple conversation

I was flipping through the pages of an old book full of little one-liners that I have written over time. One read “Problems get bigger when thought about and smaller when talked about”
(Needless to say, talked about with the one concerned or a good friend)


I got myself into a mess today and I needed to face up to it. But instead I just wanted to shy away from talking about it with the person concerned. In this case a good friend after all. It didn’t help I can assure you.

On the other hand, this friend I have, had a problem with something and took the time to talk about it with me. Both of us ended up delighted. We had found a solution and in sharing our experiences we were both enriched.

To add, I’ve found that most often my *problems* are the end result of a lack of simple conversation with God.

. . . If only I practiced, I repeat practiced simple conversation more often!

Dear Mister God, this is @ina talking . . . Simple conversation ~ I can’t help but think that’s the sweetest secret of all.

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