My best buddy, X who is also the person I admire the most in my life takes a huge leap today. And with it comes a lot of change for both X and me.It's like saying goodbye to an era in my life.
Honestly, it's hard. I tried to blink away the tears that seem so natural.The games we played, the jokes we shared, the conversations we had, the things we did . . . Every nook and corner of my life is filled with memories - irreplaceable, unforgettable, priceless moments.
No, they won't come back, though part of me wishes they would. I must look ahead instead. It's not easy. But it is the only way forward.
Dear Mister God, this is @ina talking . . . It's just comforting to know you understand. God, be with my buddy, always.
My best friend of almost 2 decades had to go away 2 years ago. And no, they didn't come back either. I feel your pain.
I wish I could say more to make it easier, but for now, know I relate and totally feel for you.
Praying it gets easier on you. And I know God heard your prayer. I'm sure He's with your buddy.
(And btw. darl, the more I read your blogs, the more I'm convinced I *must* know you from somewhere - you're like someone inside me, someone whose company I really enjoy, and someone who knows so much about my and my mind, but someone whom I've never met.. strange eh?)
Dear a girl,
So glad to hear from you.
Sorry about the delay replying.
I had some problem with my computer lately and am catching up on some pages of my journal...
Thank you. That was just so timely and meant so much.
Btw – I hear you. Strange? You know what’s stranger still?
I would say the same about you.
Just so glad to know you are out there!
Tc you too.
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